A point apiece enabled Penguin to retain an unbeaten record - and removed any remote doubt about reigning champions Manchester also qualifying for phase two.
Manchester led 4-2 when Fraser Duggan scored early in the third period. But in no time - 102 seconds, to be precise - Penguin had grabbed a 5-4 advantage. It was 8-7 to Penguin after three; then 9-7. Then Jordan Elliot came to the rescue for Manchester, scoring twice to salvage a point.
Polytechnic made sure of progress to the Super 5s, defeating Invicta 15-9, and, later, Sheffield, 17-6. Earlier, Sheffield beat Caledonia 15-10. Cheltenham won 13-8 against Lancaster.
The make-up of the Super 5s is now taking shape. Penguin, Polytechnic, Manchester and Lancaster all go through. Tomorrow's clash between Cheltenham and Sheffield could be significant in deciding the fifth team.
Photo (Trevor Hyde): Tilemachos Pissas nets one of his four goals for Penguin against Manchester today.