Competition is so tight in this division however that, even as divisional pacesetters, Northumbria still need one point from two matches to guarantee a slot in Championship 2 in the New Year.
They were 9-5 ahead in the second period against the Wanderers and 11-9 at the end of the third. Then the Welsh counterattacked, briefly taking a 12-11 lead with goals by Joe Jenkins-Delf, Charlie Hinder and Dan Laxton. Ex-GB skipper Neil Bowers levelled from a man-up chance with three minutes left.
City of Bristol beat Penguin 10-8, conceding only one goal during the four minutes they played a man down following a brutality offence.
Photo (Trevor Hyde): Team Northumbria's Josh Brown gets that sinking feeling under pressure from Dan Laxton, of Welsh Wanderers.