In immediate prospect is the annual general meeting – inevitably, an online affair this time, as clubs will know as a result of information which has been circulated to all in the last few days.
The League have stuck to the original 10 May date for the AGM as the notional date for this year’s meeting, so, on that day, we will announce winners of all the annual awards via both this website and the regular League newsletter.
Prior to that, clubs will receive comprehensive officer reports. Then, between 10 and 17 May, there is to be a consultation process when club reps can raise issues as would normally happen at a more traditional annual meeting. All questions – and responses from the Committee – will be published to clubs in due course.
Meanwhile, if you’re wondering right now how to fill your days, how about taking part in the BWPL’s virtual table officials’ course? For any player or supporter, it’s a great way of viewing water polo from a very different perspective. Details of how you can get involved will be announced via the League newsletter and website very soon.