Stephen Baker, ex-chairman of the former men’s National League, writes: “John lived for his family and his sport. He was a more than useful player, representing Sutton and Cheam but spending most of his career at Penguin as well as swimming for Spencer SC, where his achievements included winning a European Masters 200m backstroke title in the 1980s.
“From the late 1970s, John coached Penguin to the men’s NWPL second division title and was then responsible for reformulating an aging side to a young dynamic team with much potential, guiding young players to international success. In the late 1980s he became head coach of the new Penguin women’s team, remaining so for the next 30-plus years.”
John, brother-in-law to Penguin legend Ron Turner, worked as a tertiary level teacher of PE in colleges and was then pool manager of the Shell Centre.
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